Lab Description:
To understand and demonstrate how to code in HLA (Higher Language Assembly) by producing a very simple calculator that can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and exponential functions. HLA is a language that is both higher and lower level. It provides more of a control over the hardware by a means of memory allocation when performing computations. Compiling the program is simple with the command “hla [filename.hla]” and execution of the file name uses the command “./filename” The addition and subtraction is fairly simple and is done by a function call of add() and sub() perspectively. The multiplication and exponents are a bit more complex and will utilize for-loop’s that will loop the addition to perform both the multiplication and exponential tasks.
program calc; #include("stdlib.hhf"); static //declaration of variables num1: int16; num2: int16; num3: int16; ans: int16; choice: int16; i: int16; ii: int16; begin calc; //loop that will run forever unless option 5 is selected forever stdout.put("-----|-------------------|-----", nl); stdout.put("-----| Calc Menu |-----", nl); stdout.put("-----|-------------------|-----", nl); stdout.put("-----| 1) Addition |-----", nl); stdout.put("-----| 2) Subtraction |-----", nl); stdout.put("-----| 3) Multiplication |-----", nl); stdout.put("-----| 4) Exponent |-----", nl); stdout.put("-----| 5) Exit |-----", nl); stdout.put("-----|-------------------|-----", nl); stdout.put("Enter in choice: "); stdin.get(choice); //if then statement for choice input if (choice = 1) then stdout.put("Enter in first number: "); stdin.get(num1); mov(num1, ax); stdout.put("Enter in second number: "); stdin.get(num2); mov(num2, bx); add(ax, bx); //addition mov(bx, ans); stdout.put("Answer: ", ans, nl); elseif (choice = 2) then stdout.put("Enter in first number: "); stdin.get(num1); mov(num1, ax); stdout.put("Enter in second number: "); stdin.get(num2); mov(num2, bx); sub(bx, ax); //subtraction mov(ax, ans); stdout.put("Answer: ", ans, nl); elseif (choice = 3) then stdout.put("Enter in first number: "); stdin.get(num1); mov(num1, ax); stdout.put("Enter in second number: "); stdin.get(num2); mov(num2, bx); //for statement that multiplies with addition for(mov(0,i); i < bx; add(1, i)) do add(ax,num3); endfor; mov(num3,ans); stdout.put("Answer: ", ans, nl); mov(0,num3); elseif (choice = 4) then stdout.put("Enter base: "); stdin.get(num1); //base, ax mov(num1, ax); stdout.put("Enter exponent: "); stdin.get(num2); //exponent, bx mov(num2, bx); //for statement that does exponentials with addition for(mov(0,i); i < ax; add(1, i)) do add(ax,ans); for(mov(1,ii); ii <= bx; add(1,ii)) do mov(ans,cx); add(ans,cx); mov(cx,ans); endfor; endfor; stdout.put("Answer: ", ans, nl); mov(0,ans); elseif (choice = 5) then //display message and exit after option 5 stdout.put("Thanks for using my 16-bit Calc v1.0 :)", nl); break; else //for anything else the user inputs is invalid stdout.put("Error: Invalid Menu Selection...", nl); endif; endfor; end calc;