Category: COMD1100



I was pretty excited about this project because I never touched on the transparency topic in my days. We had to draw different shapes and choose which of the drawings had the most overlap. We later started painting and mixed both color that were overlapping with the illusion to give it that transparency look. The toughest part was creating the illusion when it can with two or more shapes overlapping. This was an interesting project and I learned a lot about transparency and will definitely do this again.



This project was the first project that had a lot of layers to deal with. We first started by finding objects that had a good texture and trace them with a black crayon. We had to choose 12 textures that had more definition and we had to do trace all of our textures to another paper and to find the positive/negative space in all of our drawings with Sharpie. This one took a little more time than expected but I enjoyed the results

Parallel Lines


This was the first project I had to do I’m my communication design class and when the assignment was to do different parallel lines, I only thought of straight lines and didn’t imagine they can be different like wavy or arching and so forth. This was a moderate project having to do nine different parallel drawing and choosing the best out of them. From the top of the project, you can see the Lines are  complex and later it ends on a smooth note.

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