is creating worlds

tic tac toe

tic tac toe strategy mode

  1.   the board is a 3×4 grid.
  2.  x goes first.
  3. in order to win, a player must have 4 across or 3 down
  4. diagonal plays do not count.

tic tac toe impossible mode

  1. 3×3 mode
  2. x goes first
  3. only way to win is 3 across or 3 down
  4. no diagonals or edges count at all, only the center

tic tac toe connect 4

  1. 6×6 grid
  2. x goes first
  3. 4 in a row wins
  4. players must start from bottom
  5. players have to stack there x’s and o’s on top of each other until the top of the grid.

only way to put a mark on a higher row if there is another mark under it.


  1. 1×1 grid
  2. players go at the same time
  3. a timer is used
  4. who ever marks the square first wins

tic tac toe battle

  1. 10×10 grid
  2. diagonals eliminate a mark
  3. 4 across or down to win
  4. once a mark is erased, the player who marked it cannot put it back in.



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