Project Term Proposal

GPS Text

Calvin Au, Jian Feng Wu, Meng Dong, Julio Tax

Our group has decided to create an application which will instantly text your current location to a number or person that you choose.  The app will use GPS tracking, therefore Wi-Fi or wireless connection is required.  The main use of this app is for emergencies.  When you are in an emergency, you can use the app to text your location to the police.  This is much better than calling the police because you have to tell them where you are.  Another good use of this app is if you are lost and have no idea where you are going, you can send your location to the police and they can help you.

This app does not have to be only used when you are in trouble, you can also use it to tell your friends where you are.   Such as when you are going to a party and you friends want to know how close you are.  One problem of using the app might be if there is bad or low signal, it can take a while before the app will send your location.  An example of this is when you are in an emergency in the subway, where there is no signal.  Another problem is if you are moving, the signal will be where you originally activated the app.  An example of this is if you are being followed and ask the police for help, they will only know the location of when you pressed the app.

We are going to design the app on the first day.  This will include how the app will look like and how it will work.  We will also decide how to distribute our work. For the first week, we will be mostly focusing on the code.  After that we will be trying out our code in difference places.  We want our code to work in different environments. For example if we are in a place with low signal, we would warn the user before they start using the app.  Writing the report should not take too long, we will spend a few days on that.  Since we have four people, it should be easy.  Preparing for the presentation, we should be able to figure who is going to say what.  We will work on our presentation after that whenever at home and before the last day, we will get together to rehearse the presentation.