Hi Guys, My name is Joel Simon. I live in Coney Island Brooklyn. I was born in India and have been in the United States for about  5 years. I currently go to City Tech as a freshmen. My major is liberal arts, Although my future goal is to major in Computer Science or Auto-mechanical Engineering. I’m stuck between which one to choose. Because both these fields requires tons of high level of math. And its really obvious how you can sense that how good I am at math. So I am just making up my mind to finalize what to do in future and how well it turns out to be. So, my plan is to transfer out with a good GPA, and go to a better college that offers specialized major fields. My strength as a reader is that I can kind of predict whats going to happen to the story, Sometimes I read stuff and I just sit there and wonder ” What did I just read?” Sometimes I’m absent minded when I read, Because I think about other stuff that has nothing to do with the reading and if anyone know me well, You could actually tell. I am not a great reader or a writer, Because I will try my best as I can. But I don’t think i will be able to fulfill my dreams that way. Therefore, my goals in our English class in particular is to improve my reading and writing skills in order to be a better person and to do well in class as well.

Intro Post

Hi Guys,
My name is Joel Simon. I live in Coney Island Brooklyn. I was born in India and have been in the United States for about  5 years. I currently go to City Tech as a freshmen. My major is liberal arts, Although my future goal is to major in Computer Science or Auto-mechanical Engineering. I’m stuck between which one to choose. Because both these fields requires tons of high level of math. And its really obvious how you can sense that how good I am at math. So I am just making up my mind to finalize what to do in future and how well it turns out to be. So, my plan is to transfer out with a good GPA, and go to a better college that offers specialized major fields.

My strength as a reader is that I can kind of predict whats going to happen to the story, Sometimes I read stuff and I just sit there and wonder ” What did I just read?” Sometimes I’m absent minded when I read, Because I think about other stuff that has nothing to do with the reading and if anyone know me well, You could actually tell. I am not a great reader or a writer, Because I will try my best as I can. But I don’t think i will be able to fulfill my dreams that way. Therefore, my goals in our English class in particular is to improve my reading and writing skills in order to be a better person and to do well in class as well.