Proposing a Solution

Joel Simon

Professor Lovegreen


December 1, 2014

Proposing A Solution

Rough Draft

New York City’s one of the major problems is potholes on roads. This is one of the most infuriating issues I have ever encountered with especially going on long trips; and I sometimes drive a lot and I hate to drive over potholes. Therefore, I think it’s a major problem for not just me but for the whole society. One of the main factors of pothole is of course the bad weather like snowing and raining creates. But the Department of Transportation just care less about the fact that everyday there are more potholes being created if the management just ignores it. I don’t understand the fact that the take all the funds from our money and does not do anything the useful instead they just spend it on something, that’s unimportant to the people. So I really think the only solution to this pothole issue is to gather up some people and approach the Department of Transportation (DOT) with a strong argument about the issue and they must take an action towards the complaint.

All this pothole issues are caused by poor weather conditions especially in winter time. And sometimes the DOT does not even bother fixing them due to other issues they find very important which I think is not that important. On an average daily basis many people get harmed by these potholes when driving. Their wheels bent and they will get into a severe accident because of the bumpy road. I’m not just saying that they don’t fix them at all but they just take to long to respond to a long term request. Many people got into accidents and had other issues with their vehicles due to the potholes on road and it is not supposed to be like that especially a state like New York. People made a complaint against the DOT about the recent accidents and they just didn’t care as much but later they went and foxed the problem but they don’t think about how much they have to spend to fix their own vehicle.  The amount of potholes in NYC is countless and the people are really upset and angry at this terrible situation. They deserve more than this but they just don’t get it. The political system in NYC is the worse in terms of problems like this. They find different ways to take money from you but don’t even do anything in return to what people do. I found this article on New York Times specifically talks about the potholes in NYC. “Worsening pothole problem is the product of nearly 20 years of roadwork neglect” it says “The city has already filled more than 100,000 potholes this year, an effort that is quite an accomplishment. But what does that number really tell us? Is a bigger number better? Probably not” The amounts of potholes were fixed is numerous and it is insane that we had that many potholes fixtures in one state alone. DOT main objection is that they are not getting any funding from the state to do the fixtures which I think is not true.

Therefore, I think the solution to this issue is approaching the state as a whole union and

have them take an action to this right away and fix those potholes or else we will refuse to pay for extra funding for the city needs. This is the only solution I think is important at this point; when the road is still bad. We can gather more people and protest against this issue and they have to obey the crowd or else they don’t get the usual funding towards the state.  I know it’s not an easy task to get all the people attention towards this issue when they are all running busy making money. I am not putting all the pressure against the DOT but they do fix the potholes and spend money on it but when they do it, they don’t do it properly and it won’t last that long either.

Therefore its DOT’s job to make sure that the roads people travel is clean and well maintained otherwise it will backfire on them and it will get more worse that the current situation. DOT thinks that there are many other important things that they can spend their money so they just don’t want to spend millions on roads when most of the people lives are in danger when the roads are not fixed. The only reason to convince other people is over a condition if they respond to us promptly then we are more than happy to spend money for the funds but if we do not see any improvements, we should not pay them a single penny regardless of what they will do.

Finally, they might say that they are not getting enough funding or say they have spent too much in the past fixing potholes. So they will just stop for a while. Well, that’s not fulfilling promises it’s called being lazy and not doing any won’t help you .I really think they should do something about this issue and resolve the problem because people are so angry and annoyed by this pothole issue and no seems to be taking immediate actions and delays the time and make the situation even worse. I don’t really appreciate that especially when the people’s lives are in danger and they are just playing around. This is once again the most infuriating issue I have ever encountered with and I shall say it’s not right at all in any circumstances. If something needs to be fixed they must fix it.

In conclusion, NYC potholes is one of the most major problems that are people facing through everyday driving basis and never see any improvements whatsoever. This problem can only be solved if all the people just unite and protest against their rights. This pothole issues will continue to get worse if, they don’t even bother fixing them. So they must take action against a claim and respond to them immediately so that you can avoid many people’s lives and accidents due to this pothole problems. It may sound difficult but it’s very simple all they need to do is, respond to the people on time and if they do it we will be more than happy to give fund towards the department.


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