Lab 1

Lab 1 description: will be about basic commands per example: df, cal, free ,cd, pwd, ls, file, less.

df command:

Is a command that if you insert it on the terminal it will give you all the disk file system information (df stand for disk file information) and if you type df -h it will display that information in human readable form.


cal command:

it will display the calendar.


free command:

it will show free and used memory of the system.


cd command:

cd is for you to which wich directory you want to be.

cd- part1

pwd command :

is to print which directory you currently working on.


ls command:

ls is a command that permits you to see all the file and folders from your current directory.


file command:

If you type the file command in the terminal with a X file, it will give you what type of file is that file.


less command:

less command helps you up and downmovement on a file.

Less less-2 less-3

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