
The objective of this lab is to create an abstract class MobileDevice with a private field deviceType, and 3 methods: abstract setDeviceType(), concrete getDeviceType() and an overridden version of toString() that will display ā€œMobile Deviceā€. Then after creatingĀ the abstract classes, there willĀ be a set of concrete classes that will inherit MobileDevice .

This is an ilustration on how this lab should be implemented.


Source Codes:
Main Application:

public class MobileDevice1 {

	public static void main(String[] args ){

		MobileDevice[] mobileDevices = new MobileDevice [6];
		mobileDevices[0] = new Tablet();
		mobileDevices[1] = new iPad3();
		mobileDevices[2] = new KindleFireHD();
		mobileDevices[3] = new SmartPhone();
		mobileDevices[4] = new IPHONE5();
		mobileDevices[5] = new SamnsungGalaxy3();

		for (MobileDevice m: mobileDevices){
			System.out.println("this device is: " + m.toString());





	public abstract class MobileDevice {

		private String deviceType = "Mobile Device";

		public abstract void setDeviceType ();
		public String getDeviceType () {
			return this.deviceType;

		public String toString () {
			return this.deviceType;



public class Tablet  extends MobileDevice {

	private String Tablet = "Tablet";
	public void setDeviceType () {
		this.Tablet = "Tablet";

	public String getDeviceType (){
		return this.Tablet;
	public String toString (){
		return this.Tablet;



public class SmartPhone extends MobileDevice {

	private String SmartPhone = "SmartPhone";
	public void setDeviceType (){ 
		this.SmartPhone = "SmartPhone";	

    public String getDeviceType() { 
		return this.SmartPhone = "SmartPhone";

	public String toString () {
		 return this.SmartPhone;




public class iPad3 extends MobileDevice {

	private String iPad3 = "IPad3";
	public void setDeviceType () {
	    this.iPad3 = "iPad 3";
	public String getDeviceType () {
		return this.iPad3;

	public String toString(){
		return this.iPad3;


Samnsung Galaxy 3

public class SamnsungGalaxy3 extends MobileDevice {

	private String SamnsungGalaxy3 = "Samnsung Galaxy 3";
	public void setDeviceType(){
		this.SamnsungGalaxy3 = "Samnsung Galaxy 3";
	public String getDeviceType(){
		return this.SamnsungGalaxy3;

	public String toString (){
		return this.SamnsungGalaxy3;



public class IPHONE5 extends MobileDevice {

	private String IPHONE5 = "IPHONE5";
	public void setDeviceType () {
	    this.IPHONE5 = "IPHONE 5";
	public String getDeviceType () {
		return this.IPHONE5;

	public String toString(){
		return this.IPHONE5;


Kindle Fire HD

public class KindleFireHD extends MobileDevice {

	private String KindleFireHd = "Kindle Fire Hd";
	public void setDeviceType () {
	    this.KindleFireHd = "Kindle Fire Hd";
	public String getDeviceType () {
		return this.KindleFireHd;

	public String toString(){
		return this.KindleFireHd;


