Learning Self-Analysis

The baccalaureate nursing program at NYCCT widened my horizons and provided me with a much fuller understanding of my profession. On obtaining my RN license, I didn’t truly understand many of the education-related issues nursing is facing. I didn’t realize why bachelor’s degrees are likely to be required in the near future. I didn’t understand how important leadership or nursing research was and will continue to be. And while I knew that health care was undergoing a process of transformation, it was only through my studies here that I gained a true sense of the impact that restructuring will have on nursing. The program also reinforced the importance of things that I already knew and taught me about these things in deeper ways— such as the need to bring cultural sensitivity to the diverse populations that I will serve. And through my clinical experiences, I gained exposure to different populations, geriatric patients and the mentally ill. The experiences I had working with these patients and building relationships with them were particularly valuable.