Research projects

Ameloblastoma, November 2023 – A Comprehensive review.

This paper provides a comprehensive review of the odontogenic tumor known as ameloblastoma. Ameloblastoma is a slow growing benign odontogenic tumor that has several subtypes as well as the capacity to become malignant. This paper explores the latest research on ameloblatoma, including its etiology, clinical presentation, demographics, histology, radiographs, diagnoses, treatment, and more. All things considered, this study delivers insightful information about the most current findings about ameloblastoma and presents crucial issues for medical professionals and individuals affected by the condition.

Patient Motivation, December 2022 – A Comprehensive review.

This paper provides a comprehensive review on cavities with a focus on patient motivation to prevent such conditions from occurring. Cavities are regions of enamel on teeth that have enough wear and tear to form holes or fissures that are difficult to clean and maintain. If left untreated, these lesions have the potential to worsen greatly. This paper explores the latest research on cavities and research-based strategies to motivate patients to advocate for their own oral health to prevent cavities.