Learning Outcome 4

Learning Outcome 4 Plot Styles

Learning Outcome 4 Layers

Learning Outcome 4 Symbols

Learning Outcome 4 Classes

Set up work environment and use productivity tools in industry-standard CAD programs

  • Layers
  • Classes
  • Plot styles
  • Symbols

For this learning outcome I will be providing multiple labs to cover the topics specified. For the plot styles portion I will be referring to Lab 8 from AutoCAD. Plot style tables are a reference for AutoCAD to process different types of line-weights, line-types, & plot styles (thick, thin, extra thick, extra thin, normal). When printing different types of drawings you may use different types of plot styles tables for certain scenarios that might involve miscellaneous line-weights, line-types, & plot styles without having to input all of the data manually, ultimately saving you time. VectorWorks doesn’t use a plot style table like AutoCAD, instead it saves the data into classes & layers that can be referred back to at any time. For the layers & classes portion I will be referring to Lab 11 (Light Plot) & Lab 10 (Block Section) from VectorWorks. A layer is a named container that holds items, there are two types of layers in VectorWorks: Design Layers & Sheet Layers. Design Layers are used for drawing and modeling elements of a project while Sheet Layers are used for the presentation of a finalized project. Classes determines the objects appearance and controls the visibility of objects. Classes can also be used to assign textures, text styles, and other graphical attributes. AutoCAD doesn’t use classes, but instead uses layers as the primary method for organizing objects in a drawing by function or purpose. Ultimately, layers reduce the visual complexity of a drawing by having the option to hide information that doesn’t need to be seen. For the symbols portion I will be referring to Lab 11 (Light Plot) as well because we used the Lighting Instrument Tool to create Lighting Pipes that consist of symbols being referenced to different types of lighting instruments.