Taking a Vacation

In Taking a Vacation, we practiced creating functions, which help to create a working program with fewer input variables. Functions take a set amount of arguments or inputs, and then manipulate those or produce a result depending on their purpose. An example of this would be:

def hotel_cost(nights):
return 140 * nights
def plane_ride_cost(city):
if city == “Charlotte”:
return 183
elif city == “Tampa”:
return 220
elif city == “Pittsburgh”:
return 222
elif city == “Los Angeles”:
return 475
def rental_car_cost(days):
cost = days * 40
if days >= 7:
cost -= 50
elif days >= 3:
cost -= 20
return cost
def trip_cost(city,days,spending_money):
return rental_car_cost(days) + hotel_cost(days) + plane_ride_cost(city) + spending_money
print trip_cost(“Los Angeles”, 5, 600)

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