Date and Time


Date and Time lesson in CodeAcademy teaches me about the setting variable equal to a statement and using string substitution.  The first two screen shot shows a function datetime to show  the current year, month, day, hour, minute and second. The variable now is set to We print now and receive the current date.










Here’s another way to get current date. The next screenshot has the same first two line only it also consists of other variables such as current_year, current_month, and current_day. current_year is set to now_year, current_month is set to now_month, current_day is set to now_day. We print each variable and it prints the current date.









Another form to write the date is using string substitution. We have the same first two lines and the next line is a print function. What we are printing is the symbol of substitution which is ‘%s’, three times in between each one has a / symbol with a % after it, ‘%s/%s/%/s’. The argument would be in order as followed: now_month, now_day and now_year.



From the previous screen shot it’s the same concept only we are now looking into the time. The same two lines. We have in the next line print, then the substation symbol is repeated three times with a : in between each symbol, ‘%s:%s:%s’ with separate % after it. The argument would be in order as followed: now_hour, now_minute and now_second.



The last screenshot is a combination of the previous two. The difference is that it’s typed out “%s/%s/%s %s:%:s%s” the % is placed after. The argument would be in order as followed: now_month, now_day, now_year, now_hour, now_minute and now_second.

12/11/16 23:59:43
