Raster and Vector Graphics – Strange Scale

Project Description – The Rabbit Hole Goes Deep

Take two vector images and combine them to create one image, however one of the images must be scaled up.


I always consider Photoshop to be the beast of the Adobe suite. This project was one of many that introduced me to some of the basic functions of Photoshop. In the project, I was impressed with how far architecture has come. The ability to create giant building structures that can almost form into any shape is truly amazing.

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Type and Media – Project 1.5

Project – Typographic Booklet for Rockwell Typeface

The objective for this project was to pick a typeface and create a booklet displaying it’s families. I choose the typeface Rockwell for this project


This project was one of the first I did returning back to school and continuing my studies in communication design. This definitely helped with relearning the anatomy of type, the classifications and in what subject matter they would be used.

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Communication Design 2 – Project 1

Project Description

Create a campaign for a new organic, luxury chocolate brand. Grouped in teams of three, each person is assigned a task.


Create logo for brand and print ads.


This project help with learning how to work in groups effectively

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Communication Design 2 – Project 3

Project Description

Create a promotional campaign to create awareness of a bike-sharing program in
any city but NYC using posters and social media. The key message is to create awareness that bike sharing is an Eco-friendly, socially distanced, and healthy alternative to driving. My teammate and I choose Miami, Florida.


What a fun campaign. I have never been to Miami, Florida but after this project, I was able to get a good idea of what the city has in store for its visitors. I also got a good look into what bike sharing program is all about. May try it sometime soon.

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Type and Media – Project 3

Project Description

The objective for this project was to pick a magazine of your choice, choose a section in that magazine and design a four-page spread magazine article. Thumbnails and research were to be provided before designing began. Final prints were trimmed and placed to fit inside an actual magazine


This project was very engaging for me as it projected one of my favorite hobbies. Wanted the look and feel to represent the subject matter and engage those who might be interested in horticulture.

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Graphic Design Principles 2 – Poster Design for Famous Designer

Project Description

Create a poster design on a famous designer from a prepared list. Investigate their work and emulate their design in your poster. The poster will be an ad for an exhibit of their work at the AIG National Gallery.


Color, color, color is what attracted me to this designer. I think the ability to master color palettes is something that takes time to master. I think Kate Moross definitely reflects that.

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Raster and Vector Graphics – Master Page Design

Project Description

Create a master page design for a book, booklet, menu of your choice


Italy is a beautiful place. Would love to visit the Amalfi coast one day. This design was inspired by what the night life in Italy would be

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Raster and Vector Graphics – Poster

Project Description

Create a minimalist poster/advertisement for an existing movie, product, famous painting, etc.


Who does not like a good Netflix series. This series, The Rain caught my attention for the first season, so I decided to create my poster promoting the show.

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Graphic Design Principles 1 Project 3

Project Description – Branding Guidelines with Simple Shapes

Create a brand for a company and design a logo and images to describe their services with simple shapes. My teammate and I decided to create branding guidelines for a luxury travel agency.


This project allowed for free creative choices. It was the first experience working on a team with someone else. It also introduced how much time and effort goes into researching for a brand. This was also a good start on time management.

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Type and Media – Project 2

Project Description

The objective for this project was create PSA in the form of an interactive poster for an organization of your choice. I chose VNSNY and their hospice program.


Hospice is a delicate time for someone and their family. It’s knowing that you have only so much time left with a relative or friend and making them the most comfortable as possible. I think any organization, facility, or company that takes on such a task, has great care and dedication to their community.

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