My Theme

Why I decided to post this theme?

I am one of the millions of people who worry about our mother nature Ecosystem. I like technology, but I don’t like how the system is managing the technology because they are producing device of any kind in masses that even our salary is not enough to follow the upgrade and new devices technology in our society. Since the 1850 when the industrial revolution began the average (CO2) Carbon dioxide has been rise from 0.028 to 0.o38%. There are many factors for the increasing of carbon Dioxide such as deforestation, for new occupants, cutting tress for paper production, disposableĀ bottles, plates, spoon, forks, cups, etc also cars, and many other industries contributed for this realistic life. Human also produce CO2 from our body during respiratory function. The earth use to have enough trees to processes the CO2 from humans, but now the increasing of CO2 from different sources is leading to Global Warming and we already experience some of the effect as an example Sandy the latest hurricane in New York. As we use oil,the Earth is drying. The earth need good soil to produce our natural food, now a days the soil is reducing its potential to do it because the chemicals and the lacking of minerals. As I show in my theme evolution can be great but it doesn’t have any control for the ambition from capital,( the 1%)