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blog #5

Well, the main thing Im learning from this internship is that before having a stylistic idea, you really need to make sure that the technical part is just right. For example, a part of the Y caters to senior citizens and therefore the work I do for them has to be readable first and foremost. Also, being a school that has their programs in other places I needed to learn how to make my school the focal point while still dressing the other schools too.

blog #4

So, the Y which is the abbreviation for my company ( ym&ywha ) is a jewish establishment, although it is friendly to everyone regardless. The way you dress doesn’t matter as long as you dress for the job you have and comfortably, so in the long run I would say informal. The company have offices and they are quite open so you can see and hear other employees work as you do. When I finish work at the school with children, I go upstairs and start working on my internship, which makes timing easy for me on a daily basis.

blog #3

My main job at my internship is to create and recreate projects that demonstrates what the company does as a whole. Basically I create stylistic recreations of works the company already had, in order to attract more possible clients. Many of their previous works needed revamps of some kind, especially on the technical side in order for people to read it much more easily. I was previously working at the company, ym&ywha, which is a school and was recommended by my boss to the media offices. Good for me that the office already wanted help, so with a glance of my portfolio I was already hired on the spot.

Journal Entry #2

So, my main role is supporting the head in marketing and design. I support her in her work by cleaning/updating documents, pamphlets, letters and etc. Her name is Kita Lantman btw. I’ve gotten recommendations sent from my boss at the same nursery/after school I was working at. My interview was during one of my breaks while I was previously there because of work.

Journal Entry #1

I am working in the marketing and design department of the YM&YWHA. The company in its basis is a nursery and after school, located in the Washington Heights. The company building I’m located in has four floors and I work on the third floor where the marketing office is primarily located. The first focus is to create awareness and provide reasons why parents should choose the Y as a place for their children.