Joab : BBS
blog #18
I have many many closure event and media postures at this point. Around fifteen I would say maybe even more because some have different styles. No worries I did put them in the final presentation for everyone to see. One of the last ones I did were the weather report medias postures.
blog #17
So, while Im doing the closures, she gave me another job to do just in case I needed something to do if i finish early. It was to pick the best pictures for another brochure. I already started it and I would say I got pretty far actually. The pictures I went through are from the summer camp they had and I went through at least a hundred pictures.
blog #16
Ok, I have made many closure event posters and media ads for the Y. I would say it is a lot but it is reaalllllyyy god practice and its a lot of fun to do. For example, I did thanksgiving, Veterans day, July 4th and a lot more. Especially Jewish holidays, because it is a Jewish establishment. To be a little more exact I would say I did at least seven for now.
blog #8
Now on to the next project. Its one where I have a lot more freedom but this one has many different parts to it you can say. I say parts because I have to make closure posters, digital ads and cards for all the holidays the business celebrates. The first one was thanksgiving, after that was 4th of July and the last one was memorial day. This is a lot of fun because I can display these designs in any style I see fit. So in general a lot more freedom compared to the previous projects.So, this was the start of about 20+ projects making up one big one !
blog #7
After the magazine project, I had to leave my comfort zone for a while. Rather then designing images and text like the norm, they had me edit videos. So, the only prior knowledge I had of editing videos, was only a month before i got the internship when I actually taught myself. So the plan was to edit a couple of 15 second videos (about 8-12 videos) with staff or kids asking about why they should join the Y (the school). In the end it was a lot of fun see all the different personalities and who would have known that I would have been as good as I was. Besides one or two quick googles I had no troubles.
blog #6
After I was able to revamp the business catalog/pamphlet to a better overall standard ( The one on blog photo #3), I was one day surprised to see it. Now, normally I wouldn’t be so surprised actually because Im used to seeing it on someone’s office or on the shelves in the hallway waiting for someone to pick it up. This time It was a group of parents on a schedule appointment to check out the school for the first time and there it was, what I created in all their hands, persuading these people to enroll their child or children in this new school. I felt part of the business in my own way and it felt good.