Written Assignment

                                  RESEARCH REPORT

The topic I chose for this research report was if nursing leadership will affect the quality of care in the community setting. In this qualitative study, there was a comparison among frontline and senior nurse leaders in the UK when it comes to leadership skills in the community. In order to gather information, semi-structured individual interviews were set up. The purpose of the study was to “identify how nursing leadership is perceived and experienced by community nurses”.

According to the article, quality is defined based on policy. Leadership skills are important for measures that are used to show quality of care. Health care services can increase better health outcomes for individuals and populations. The article showed that person- centered services can be the driving force for high quality care. Based on the results of the article, there was conflict among leading for quality care and delivering for quality of care. Mechanisms to monitor patient safety was an important aspect when it came to quality care. Senior leaders felt that leadership was what impacted quality care. Frontline nurses on the other hand felt that the actual nurse delivering the care was what helped increase quality of care. Evidence based on this articled should for the most part that, quality of care was primarily focused around patient satisfaction. Also, “Nurses perceive the nurse-patient relationship as the foundation for delivering high-quality care”. Complaints from the patients was also used by the nurses to determine quality of care.

This study showed that quality care is so important to the community setting and the beliefs of frontline nurses and nurse leaders is not in sync with one another. As a result, there is a demand for the development of systems between nurses to support greater engagement.



Haycock-Stuart, E., Kean, S. (2012) Does Nursing Leadership affect the quality of care in the

            Community Setting? Journal of Nursing Management Vol. 20: 372-381.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01309.x. Retrieved from

