Introduction and Philosophy


I would like to introduce myself. My name is Julia Kurtich. I am Currently a Registered Nurse  with an Associates degree. I will be graduating with a bachelor’s degree at the end of May. I am studying at New York City College of Technology.


As a professional nurse, I strongly believe in the value of honoring each and every patient. Every person is an individual human being that I feel must be respected.  Regardless of who the person is, everyone should have the right to good quality care. Nursing giving all you have to provide the best care for every patient. It’s about imagining and putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. It’s having compassion and taking a step forward to be there for the person in their suffering. Nursing is about not only caring for the person but also being available to meet the needs of the person based on a holistic model. I feel that nursing should not only focus on healing symptoms but taking into consideration the whole individual which includes physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. I believe to be the best possible nurse, it takes the sacrifice of serving others and focusing on the needs of others.