Case Studies


(Before: Left side.  After: Right side)

24 Years Old, Asian male with no systemic condition. Patient is not currently taking any medications or herbal supplements. Patient had no allergies. Patient smokes 1/2 per day.  Vitals: BP 133/81 P80. Patient was informed that this reading is prehypertension. Patient is ASA II because of prehypertension and smoking.

Extra oral and intra oral exams were both WNL, no pathology present.

Pocket depths ranging from 3-7mm, with moderate bleeding upon probing. Gingiva has generalized inflammation with bulbous papilla.

Patient has supra-gingival calculus on the lingual & facial surfaces of the anterior mandibular teeth.

After 2 weeks of treatment, pocket depth reduced to 2-5mm, with minimal bleeding upon probing. Gingiva was pink and well adapted.

FullSizeRender(1)( After treatment)FullSizeRender(Before treatment)

21 year Asian Male with no systemic condition.  Patient is not currently taking any medications or herbal supplements. Vitals within normal limits, BP 122/66 P 73. Patient smokes once a day for over 2 years and interested in cessation. Patient has no allergies. ASA II because patient is a smoker.

Extra oral and intra oral exams were both WNL, no pathology present.

Patient is type 2 gingivitis case with severe bleeding upon probing. Pocket depths ranging from 2-5mm. Gingiva has generalized inflammation with rolled margins and spongy interdental papilla. Tissue is erythematous.

After treatment, pocket depth reduced to 2-4mm. Tooth #22-25 have 2 mm recession, however gingival tissue has healed.


