Sixth Journal

On 10/24/17, Colin called me in the morning say that he just got a client, do I have time to meet the client on the afternoon. Since I am mostly free on that day, I choose to go meet the client with him on that day. This client’s company is in Brooklyn after I drove there I realize that it is very hard to find a  parking spot and it is almost meet the time for the appoint, so I have to park my car in a meter spot and hope the meeting will don’t when the meter expire so I don’t have to run down to pay for the meter again. Colin is lucky he found a spot, so he told me if the meeting is so long that you need to go down for the meter again, don’t tell the client you are going to a meter, just tell him you need to go to bathroom because you will never want your client to feel you are worrying about another thing besides the meeting. On the meeting, the client told us he wants to have a website which has both Chinese and English, also he wants it done by the end of the week. After a little conversation between me and Colin, we decided to do this challenge.

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