EMT 1111

* This app was mainly created to entertain people and make them thing using random question from different topics such as math, TV shows and even cartoons. Our purpose is not to make think that much the individual is to give them something to entertain. This app prompts answers to the used  and gives them a limited time to answer the question. Depending in weather the question is wright or wrong the app makes an certain sound as well when its answer right. Its also gives a feedback to the user when they get it right or wrong. Furthermore also it keeps the score only of the right question.

This app was created by me (Jhojansy Guzman) and my partner Allen Chen. MY partner mostly worked on the behavior of the program and I worked in the design. In terms of the question and the pictured asked we divided it, both of us came up with five question with its picture. Also he worked on the animation such as the balls moving on top  and also in the clock. When it comes to animation I worked in the sound that it makes when the user answers and also the box that holds the score of the user.



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