Journal #8 – Projects

During my internship, John told me that most likely everything we shot is something I going to edit into a 3-4 minute video. I already completed two videos, a Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Show and the 9 Man VolleyBall Tournament. The tommy Hilfiger was the first video I edited and I was pretty nervous because I didn’t know if I had a deadline or the requires of the videos. He just gave me the raw clips and told me to make a 4 minute video. So of course I asked him questions like, the mood he wants, if there will be music, what type of music and all that. Together,John and I picked the song to go with the video and I was to start from there. During the end of the day, I showed him and we edited some stuff together and show me ways to make it better. After I took all his advice, he looked at it and liked it. He said to make a thumbnail and it will be ready to go. Pretty much the project was a collaboration and I’m really proud how it turn out to be. The full 4 minute video is not up on youtube yet because the owner of the Pier has to approve it first. Here is the short Instagram video which you can see for yourselves. (It’s the one with the model)