Journal #2 – Assistant

At Cinqua, I am the assistant to the director, John Carluccio the founder and owner of the company. Every time we go to a shoot, I help carry the tripods, lights, lens and other equipment depending on the event. On a regular non-shooting day, we are in the office and I help edit the raw clips into a 3-4 minute video. Before I got accepted into internship, I went online looking for anything related to film shooting/editing because that is something that I am very interested in. I began applying for internships on three weeks before classes began. After week of applying, I got a response back from John asking more questions of earlier work and any skills I have. After three days, I got another email from John asking for an interview. It was on the Monday when classes started that I went to the interview and he asked questions like my hobbies, skills and why I wanted to work in film/producing. I really wanted this internship so I did research on the company and the boss before hand. He told me he had one more person to interview so we will let me know if I got accepted after that interview. It was on Wednesday after the internship class when I received an email from John stating that I got accepted. That’s pretty much how I got the job and I am really glad that I started applying ahead of time.