Journal #10 – Mentor

During my time at Cinqua, there weren’t any real events we had at the office. There were events at Pier 36 where John and I to blend in with the staff of the event. John is the in-house videographer for the Pier, we don’t film for the event holders like Tommy Hilfiger or Nickelodeon. Most security know who we are so they let us in but sometimes security for the companies tend to stop us because they believe we are trying to sneak in. These events have heavy security so they will not let you in unless you have clearance. These events were fun to attend to because even though we needed to record the event and highlight how they use the place, it is just amazing to be there in person. For example, the Tommy Hilfiger fashion show had an in door mini lake and a small island in the middle. Pier 36 is a huge place so there are so many possibilities to turn the place into completely something else. 

Every week working at Cinqua, I didn’t know what to expect. Most of the times, John tells me ahead of time of a shoot we have to attend and sometimes its unexpected. Also there are many events at the Pier so it’s always different. It is sometimes a sport event or fashion show or a make-up Convention. There was an Art Gallery we had to interview different artist. So yes, you can say that I met a lot of people and of course I was polite and respected their work. But of you weren’t really role models, they were just people we had to interview or shoot. In the end, John was really everything that made up Cinqua, he was the director, owner, founder and a role model to me. When I first met him during my interview, I was very nervous because I did research on him and his work seem very strict and serious. When I met him, he was very relaxed and cool. He knew I was very nervous but he made me feel comfortable after we just had talk like it wasn’t an interview.

I learned a lot from him during my time at Cinqua. I had very low confidence at my work but he always had faith in me and just push me to continue with my idea or vision of the video. Whenever I was stuck he told me to take a break or a walk for as long as I needed because he too was once in my position and understands the difficulty of coming up with an idea. John was my mentor, each week we learn stuff about each other and he pushes me to get out of my comfort zone. I tell him I have a crazy idea for the video and he tells me go for it. He even helped me to understand music knowledge, which can be very helpful when editing videos. Its kinda of sad knowing this Monday is my last day at Cinqua. I attended about 9 events and managed to finish editing 5 videos which John said is very good for just having one intern. Hopefully one day, I can create my own private Video company and have my equipment and office where I can have a big open area to work and listen to music in peace, just like John and his company Cinqua.