Lab Description:
In this lab we ere required to create a 32bit calculator which let’s the user choose a function: add, subtract, multiply, exponentiate, or convert to roman numerals, without using the HLA commands mul, imul or pow.
program Calculator; #include("stdlib.hhf") static x:int32; y:int32; z:int32; i:int32; j:int32; n:int32; choice:int32; begin Calculator; repeat stdout.put("Enter 1 to add: ",nl); stdout.put("Enter 2 to subtract: ",nl); stdout.put("Enter 3 to multiply: ",nl); stdout.put("Enter 4 to exponentiate: ",nl); stdout.put("Enter 5 to convert to roman numerals: ",nl); stdout.put("Enter 0 to exit: ",nl); stdin.get(choice); mov(choice,edx); switch(edx) case(1) stdout.put("Enter number 1: "); stdin.get(x); if(x>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); stdout.put("Enter number 2: "); stdin.get(y); if(y>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); mov(x,eax); mov(y,ebx); add(ebx,eax); mov(eax,z); stdout.put("The answer is: ",z,nl); if(z>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); case(2) stdout.put("Enter number 1: "); stdin.get(x); if(x>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); stdout.put("Enter number 2: "); stdin.get(y); if(y>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); mov(x,eax); mov(y,ebx); sub(ebx,eax); mov(eax,z); stdout.put("The answer is: ",z,nl); if(z>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); case(3) stdout.put("Enter number 1: "); stdin.get(x); if(x>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); stdout.put("Enter number 2: "); stdin.get(y); if(y>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); mov(x,eax); mov(y,ebx); while(ebx > 0) do add(eax,z); sub(1,ebx); endwhile; stdout.put("the answer is: ",z,nl); if(z>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); case(4) stdout.put("Enter number 1: "); stdin.get(x); if(x>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); stdout.put("Enter number 2: "); stdin.get(y); if(y>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); mov(x,eax); mov(y,ebx); mov(1,z); for(mov(0,i); i<ebx; inc(i)) do mov(0,ecx); for(mov(0,j); j<eax; inc(j)) do add(z,ecx); endfor; mov(ecx,z); endfor; stdout.put("the answer is: ",z,nl); if(z>65536) then stdout.put(nl,"this number is too large." , nl); endif; stdout.put(nl); case(5) stdout.put("Enter a decimal number or Enter 0 to exit." nl); stdin.get(n); mov(n,eax); while(eax!=0)do while(eax!=0)do if(eax >= 1000 ) then stdout.put("M"); sub(1000,eax); elseif(eax>=900) then stdout.put("CM"); sub(900,eax); elseif(eax>=500) then stdout.put("D"); sub(500,eax); elseif(eax>=400) then stdout.put("CD"); sub(400,eax); elseif(eax>=100) then stdout.put("C"); sub(100,eax); elseif(eax>=90) then stdout.put("XC"); sub(90,eax); elseif(eax>=50) then stdout.put("L"); sub(50,eax); elseif(eax>=40) then stdout.put("XL"); sub(40,eax); elseif(eax>=10) then stdout.put("X"); sub(10,eax); elseif(eax>=9) then stdout.put("IX"); sub(9,eax); elseif(eax>=5) then stdout.put("V"); sub(5,eax); elseif(eax>=4) then stdout.put("IV"); sub(4,eax); elseif(eax>=1) then stdout.put("I"); sub(1,eax); endif; endwhile; stdout.put(nl "Enter a decimal number: "); mov(0,n); stdin.get(n); mov(n,eax); endwhile; endswitch; until(edx = 0); stdout.put("Program End", nl); end Calculator;