Self Analysis

I strongly believe that all  nurses should have a Bachelors degree.  The education and skills that are learned from this program are essential for development of current skills.  I think that the BSN program builds on the foundation of science,  and builds strong critical thinking skills that are important for all nurses to utilize in their profession.  This program has opened my mind to the political side of nursing and how we can make a change if we come together to fight for what is right.  I have learned that education is very important because as the world changes and people live longer the importance of prevention and management is crucial to the health care field.  Nurses have to be able to handle the changes and advocate for what is right.  This program has really built on my confidence and the way I think about situations that I face.  Nurses really need to be part of the political field because if one nurse is in office then change will be easy.  My experience with Lobby day and Single Pay-or Lobby day was exciting and the experience was amazing.  I did not even realize that nurses actually do this and fight for future nurses and better patient care.  I have really enjoyed the BSN program and I will let other people know.  I will continue my education and move forward to obtain my MSN and then my doctorate.  It was truly an honor and all the professors are amazingly energetic and knowledgeable.

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