
def print_beam():

“””this function prints a beam”””

print (‘+ – – – -‘),

def print_post():

“””this function prints a post”””



>>> ================================ RESTART ================================


>>> print_beam()

+ – – – –



def print_beams():

“””this function print the beams of a grid”””




print (‘+’)


print (‘+ – – – – + – – – – +’)

print (‘|         |         | ‘)

print (‘|         |         | ‘)

print (‘|         |         | ‘)

print (‘|         |         | ‘)

print (‘+ – – – – + – – – – +’)

print (‘|         |         | ‘)

print (‘|         |         | ‘)

print (‘|         |         | ‘)

print (‘|         |         | ‘)

print (‘+ – – – – + – – – – +’)

Python 3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 10:55:48) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Type “copyright”, “credits” or “license()” for more information.

>>> ================================ RESTART ================================


+ – – – – + – – – – +

|         |         |

|         |         |

|         |         |

|         |         |

+ – – – – + – – – – +

|         |         |

|         |         |

|         |         |

|         |         |

+ – – – – + – – – – +


In this lab we use the term “divide and conquer” in which we divide the work into different sections so that the problem will be easier to understand. At the end we combined piece by piece all together to create our shame and finish faster our task.

Restorative dentistry