Ethics in Graphic Design 1a

First workshop I assisted (c) Jhoanna Dimapanat

I started officially working for the Highlights Foundation last June 14, 2023. I had to relocate to an in-person internship at their Pennsylvania campus base. Besides being a paid internship, the foundation is also providing a place for me to stay and meals as well. I was really happy that I did not have to worry about looking for a sublet for the summer and also figuring out how to do my grocery shopping when I can’t drive at all.

So far, I am really enjoying my new environment, and the staff of the foundation has been so wonderful to me. While I was nervous at first, everyone was really understanding and gave me enough time to learn my new job.

The first project that was handed to me was not design related. I was asked to update the inventory of all the books in our campus bookstore. We thought it would take a while for me to finish this, but surprisingly I was able to finish the project quickly. What surprised me, though, is that in order to buy books or merchandise from our store, customers have to do it through their phone and scan a barcode. There is nobody keeping watch of the store, so the whole thing relies upon a “code of honor.” The foundation puts its trust in its guests to the community that they are going to pay for their purchases. Some guests who had no idea how to do the barcode purchase come to me for help; they go out on their way to look for me or another staff to complete their purchase. I thought it was pretty neat how much trust they have built in this community of authors and artists of the foundation.

The second project I had to work on was to create a simple design layout for a cabin sign. I was provided with some native motifs and a design mockup by one of my supervisors. I was told that I should make sure the motifs are laid out in a certain way in order to make sure we are not disrespecting the meaning behind them. The foundation uses its own specific type and logo design.
I was asked to take photos as well for the marketing team, and as far as I know, they take their photos for their own ads. (it seems like they ask either an intern or a retreat assistant to take photographs during retreat workshops with the permission of the guests)

I did not have to sign any non-disclosure agreements, and I don’t think any future projects will require me to do so.

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