Role Model/Mentor Figure at Work

Photo by Antoni Shkraba:

My main role model at the internship is one of my professors at city tech. She is staying here at the Highlights as an artist resident and faculty. She was also the one who told me about the foundation, so I feel very lucky to have such a connection. I still learn about new things from her even though we’re not at city tech anymore. She has been pushing me to showcase my artwork and also put myself out there. I’ve also learned about the technicalities and nuances that comes with publishing a book and starting a commission.

That being said, I also find the rest of the faculty and even workshop guests/students as mentor figures. Once they find out that I am graduating soon, they gave me feedbacks and suggestions on how to approach my career path in different ways. One workshop guest in particular has given me so much information and knowledge regarding getting into Children’s Lit. in the Philippines; we’re planning on keeping in touch and continuing our chat soon over Zoom.

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