Clinic Experience

Throughout the dental hygiene program, I have had the opportunity to work with many different patients. Each patient has presented with different backgrounds, case qualifications, and dental complains. Here are a few case studies that offer a glimpse into the treatment plan and dental hygiene care I have provided for these patients.

Journal #1  Journal #2

This patient presented to the clinic after not having a cleaning for seven years. The patient had heavy subgingival calculus deposits as well as supragingival deposits throughout his dentition. Do to lack of home care instruction and education, this patient had deposits covering up to 2/3rds of the lingual aspects of his mandibular incisors. These pictures documents pretreatment and postreatment evaluation.

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This patient presented to the clinic with a mandibular labial frenum pull that was causing gingival recession on mandibular anterior teeth #24 and #25. This picture documents the recession, which is only located labially, and visible plaque and calculus deposits. I instructed this patient to use the modified bass tooth brush technique to keep these areas clean.




In senior clinic, I had the opportunity to work with the pediatric population. I do believe that education at an early age is key. In this picture I am demonstrating the proper tooth brushing technique to a child who is eleven years of age. This demonstration was conducted in a tell-show-do manner.