Blogging is new to me.
So as my story starts, i take you on a journey not only on my educational life but some of my personal life.
Technology is everywhere. There are mechanics in everything we use everyday,things that we love and hate, it’s there for a reason. I am one of those people that love understanding and soon educate and work hard to craft and master the skill of pieces of technology i love the most and probably ones i hate too.
Other than the wheel, I believe that Fire is the greatest technology invention that was made, But I am not a fire person. I love the idea of transportation with the Wheel and soon flying.
I ride and work on my Motorcycle and Bicycles, just because there is a lot of hands on knowledge that you can learn by yourself without the education of an teacher and school, just YouTube.
As my first post, I just wanted to give you a taste of what comes next for this