Page 3- Drawing Objects

In this portion of the semester we used Auto Cad to draw out various shapes and sizes using commands that we learned such as the line command which is a tool that plots a line at a designated length at which you can alter. the line may be small on the screen but actuality determines on how you set your scale, just as we discussed in page two. It can represent multiple amounts of feet. There is a rectangle tool that is utilized to create a 4 sided figure that can be equal on all sides (square) or an actual rectangle. This command is easier than drawing out multiple lines to achieve a polygon because it is a simple command. The Offset tool is also a simple command we utilized to save time to alter the aspect ratio of a desired figure by diminishing or enlarging its dimensions. These tools are very helpful and in the industry would be required to use because of the fact that time is money and efficiency and accuracy is the best thing when dealing with this business. I have files attached below and 2 links to AutoCad Drawing

Lab 6 AutoCad Commands        JC AUTOCAD1. LAB 5-JC