Lab Description:

This lab purpose was to create a program displaying a menu allowing the user to input two numbers representing two options.The number (1) would allow the user to input values for variable X and variable Y and the number two to exit the program. The program created below begins by assigning number 1 and 2; then wrote the option as a form of input. After, I used a series of conditionals with given expressions within a while statement to execute the parameters of the LAB.


option = 1 
option = 2
option = input ("(1) enter a number (2) exit")
while option == 1 :         
        if option == 1:
                   X = input ("Enter X ")
                   Y = input ("Enter Y ")
                   Z = X + Y
                   print "X + Y = ", Z
                   Z = X - Y
                   print "X - Y = ", Z               
                   Z = X * Y
                   print "X * Y = ", Z 
                   Z= X / Y
                   print "X / Y =  ", Z
                   Z = X % Y
                   print "X % Y = Z ", Z
                   if  X  Y :
                        print 'X is greater than Y'
                   else :
                         print 'X and Y are equal'
                   option = input ("(1) enter a number (2) exit")        

        if  option == 2   :
            print ("Goodbye") 

Screenshot :


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