Lab Description:
This lab consist of creating a 32bit calculator, which function is to add, subtract and multiply two entries. We should use labels and jumps to implemented. We should not use the following functions: if, while, mul…
Lab Code:
program lab3; #include( "stdlib.hhf"); static n:int32; n1:int32; n2:int32; x:int32; begin lab3; RepeatLabel: stdout.put("Press [1]:Addition [2]:subtraction [3]:multiplication [0]: exit",nl); stdout.put("Operation:"); stdin.get(n); mov(n,edx); mov(1,ebx); cmp(edx,ebx); jne Skip; stdout.put("enter n1: "); stdin.get(n1); mov(n1, eax); stdout.put(" enter n2: "); stdin.get(n2); mov(n2, ebx); add(ebx,eax); mov(eax,n); stdout.put("the sum is: ",n, nl); Skip: mov(2,ebx); cmp(edx,ebx); jne Skip1; stdout.put("enter n1: "); stdin.get(n1); mov(n1,eax); stdout.put("enter n2: "); stdin.get(n2); mov(n2,ebx); sub(ebx,eax); mov(eax,n); stdout.put("the difference is: ",n, nl); Skip1: mov(3,ebx); cmp(edx,ebx); jne Skip2; stdout.put("enter n1:"); stdin.get(n1); mov(n1,eax); stdout.put("enter n2:"); stdin.get(n2); mov(n2,ebx); mov(1,n2); WhileLabel: cmp(n2,ebx); jnl WhileDone; add(n1,eax); inc(n2); jmp WhileLabel; WhileDone: mov(eax,n); stdout.put("the product is:",n, nl); Skip2: mov(0,ecx); cmp(ecx,edx); jne RepeatLabel; end lab3;