CET4711 Projects

This first project catches my attention because its an android figure and adroids are cool if they were to have some type of movement. So in this project it shows how we make a boring android toy move to sound and displays souce course using LEDs.


The second project that caught my attention was the Lego NXT 2.0 Chainsaw tank. I’ve never built a moving object as in car wise. They also added a chainsaw on the tank which is a cool addition to the tank. You could never make a tank so simple, so that was cool.


Last but not least is RC car to robot. Ive always wanted to make this car to robot. Ever since i been in city tech i always seen students with a toy car or tank and it has always caught my attention. I never gotten the chance to make one or work with one. I think if i could get a chance to make this it would be awesome but i know at the same time too many professors have seen this type of project. At the end of the day i would work on this on the side if i have too.
