Case study 1
Female 21 years old; Hispanic; medical history revised within normal limit; non -smoker; allergic to shellfish. Clinical examination revealed deciduous teeth #A, H, J, K and T present. Generalized gingival inflammation, gingiva margin rolled, papilla bulbous, moderate BUP. Generalized Subgingival Calculus and supragingival calculus on mandible lingual teeth. Full mouth series were exposed and revealed #4, 11,13,20,21,and 29 missing. Radiographs also revealed root resorption of H and T. Findings were discussed with patient she was explained the importance of oral hygiene to maintain deciduous teeth. Both regimens: home care and professional care are essential to maintain teeth, especially deciduous teeth demineralize in less time than permanent teeth and that she could lose those teeth. As a dental hygienist it is our duty to educate patients. This patient told me that she was not aware of the information provided and that she will continue with the care.