Author: Jay

The Deoxyribonucleic Acid of Rhythm & Poetry aka……“The D.N.A of R.A.P”

The D.N.A of R.A.P (the Trailer)

This is a documentary that I am directing for my Culmination project. It will be a condensed version of a full length feature that will be released summer 2019. The documentary takes an in depth look into the hip hop culture, with an intense focus on rap an the importance of lyrical content. We will interview an assortment of people associated with the industry such as Managers, Excutives, Film makers, Producers,hip hop security personnel, a neuropsychologist who specializes in entertainment and of course….Emcees. With this documentary, we hope to spark discussion and bring awareness to the importance of a part of the hip hop culture that seems to be losing its prominence in today’s society…Lyrical RAP.