Also in editing my resume, My professor told me in a zoom meeting on 3/6/23 to do the following, based on the pdf below:

-Make journal a lowercase j.

-Make walking a lowercase w.

-Intern a little bit higher.

-Only capitalize the I, T and V in Intro to video class like how the C and the D in Comminication Design II are capitalized.

-Get my linkedin profile link and put in my resume and make it a hyperlink.

-Put AAS (instead of associated of applied sciences).

-Capitalize the T in Technology as part of the phrase: ” New York city College Of Technology”.

-Instead put “New York City College Of Technology | CUNY” and not ” CUNY New York City College Of Technology”.

-“Notable Coursework”: should be all in 1 line.

-Both columns should be alligned to left for consistency.

All of which I have done. Based on the pdf corrections below.

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