Picking up where i left off, from this link: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/jasimeng-eportfolio/what-i-am-doing-to-get-an-internship-part-1/ I showed her(the professor, Tanya Goetz)my new design resume via email, (again).

Here was her response: “I took a look at this and you still have everything in boxes. Please remove all the heavy black rule box around the whole page. Also, your typesetting still needs quite a bit of work. You need to work on type hierarchy and positioning. The thin black rules are running into the type under experience and also the type boxes for the column under education are too narrow creating bad breaks in the college’s name, etc.

She was also stating that i imported a picture for the box and design elements and my J.A. logo that i originally made was a raster. She even said I should do the initial logo in illustrator (Which I really did at first)and i should create and assemble the resume in design. (Which I also completed at first). The upside down triangles to be deleted that hit the word improvement.

I made the all the appropriate changes, she had told me. Including all of those already mentioned. As of now and long story short, she told me that my recent resume is improved, but the layout and typography still need work.

I will make those edits, additionally. I oughta say, it’s a really a journey. However it’s one I will take.

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