
I was excited to get started with my Bachelor’s degree even though I was presented with many challenges.  As I went through the program it became a bit overwhelming for me as there was a point in my studies that I was working fulltime and attending school fulltime and so I became tired and worn out.  On top of that, my husband became ill and was hospitalized; I ended up having to take care of the family on my own, it caused me to fall behind with assignments and just being very tired.

My professors were extremely understanding and would make adjustments to deadlines for me.  I ended up taking a year off school to get myself back on track and I returned in Spring 2016.  Since the beginning of the semester, I’ve seen where I’ve grown.  I’ve been able to time manage and multi-task more efficiently and to stay on track and up to date with assignments.

Being in this program has helped me to become more assertive, stronger, more confident as well as more self-aware.  I’ve had some of the most meaningful experiences while being in this program.  I believe that we’re not only taught academics but life lessons that we can apply to our everyday lives that enable us to be prepared for any and everything that could possibly go wrong in one’s life.