Community Health Nursing

Nursing Objectives

Objective 1:  Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance.

As nurses, we are professionals and are hence expected to look, speak and behave as such.  Despite the fact that our clinical did not take place within the walls of a health institution, we were still expected to behave as if we were in that setting.  I fulfilled this objective by maintaining client confidentiality through protecting clients’ personal information by keeping documentation away from the view of other clients.  I prepared for clinical by researching the issues experienced by clients in the neighborhood we served, hence assuming responsibility for my own learning.  Given assignments were completed in a timely manner and I asked for help whenever I was unsure of anything I was doing.  I actively participated in clinical each week by being punctual, participating in discussions/conferences, performing BP and BMI screening, teaching about HTN, the importance of being compliant with medications and by dressing in business attire.

Objective 2:  Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.

I assessed the impact of development, emotional, cultural, religious and spiritual influences on the client’s health status.  Clients were taught how these factors could affect their health.  Clients were assessed in a less formal manner, and were strongly encouraged to take medications as many of them with high BP readings confessed to not taking their medications.


Objective 3:  Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.

Clients were encouraged to voice any concerns or questions they had.  They were reassured that we were there to help them be well and teach them how to take care of themselves.  There was open communication among team members and all abnormal information was conveyed to the professor and the nurse on site.  All data was documented on log sheets provided by the nurse on site.

Objective 4:  Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.

Our main topic was hypertension as it appeared that many of the clients suffered from HTN.  There was also the non-compliance of medication and so we taught on the dangers of that too.  Some of the clients were receptive to the information as well as some weren’t and flat out told us they will not be taking any medication because they are fine.

Objective 5:  Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.

Our clinical took place at a church that runs a food pantry.  There was no access to clients’ medical records; we were only provided with log sheets to record names, BP and BMI readings.  Those sheets were kept out of other clients’ reach, with only the student nurses, professor and the on-site nurse having access to them.



Objective 6:  Demonstrate a commitment to professional development.

It is important to teach our clients about their illnesses as this will give them a better understanding of the importance of taking their medication and watching their diet.  We were provided teaching material by Lutheran Medical Center, who also provides the on-site nurse.  This is a whole different aspect of nursing and dealing with the community, one can never predict who they’re dealing with or what to expect.  As nurses, we have to be flexible and able to adjust to whatever situations we are presented with.

Objective 7:  Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice.

The American Nurses Association lays down the ground rules for nursing practice nationally, by way of the nursing process.  I follow the standards of care outlined by the Lutheran Medical Center, considering that the on-site nurse is provided by them; hence I’m accountable for my actions and is expected to behave in a professional manner (ie.. protecting clients’ information).  The mission of Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church (community outreach food pantry) in association with the Lutheran Medical Center is “to utilize the whole-person approach to healthcare “mind, body and spirit” through a Faith Community Nurse we aim to promote health and disease prevention by engaging in educational and screening activities that provide benefits of early detection and intervention; while providing an access to a reliable source of medical care.”




Objective 8:  Collaborate with clients, significant support person and members of the health care team.

I was able to provide clients with health care resources for themselves and family members.  Most of who turn up weekly are the elderly who are all immigrants and some have no PCP nor can they afford a doctor’s visit or medication.  Lutheran Medical Center has provided us with pamphlets that gives information regarding a clinic that they run where anyone, regardless of age or immigration status, can get medical attention.  We bring clients’ attention to this clinic whenever they state that they don’t have insurance to go to the doctor.

Objective 9:  Recognize the impact of economics, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services.

Many of the clients in this area who voiced that they had no access to health care was mainly because of lack of funds or the inability to afford health insurance.  We were able to provide them with information that would enable them to gain accessibility to medical attention.  I had a client who had a high reading for her BP and when encouraged to go to the ER she in turn asked me to call her fiancé and inform him that she needs money to go to the doctor.  This alluded to a different type of issue which she might be experiencing.  I provided her with a phone number for a clinic which provides free or low cost health care to just about anyone.  Among the problems being faced in the East Flatbush area are hypertension, diabetes, hunger, poverty, increase in crime etc. I believe that as a start, there could be more frequent health fairs, people can be encouraged to join a clinic where they will be taken care of properly.