Nursing Philosophy

Philosophy of Nursing

I believe that nursing is an opportunity to help the ailing and those who are unable to care for themselves health wise.  I truly believe that one should not be denied medical attention because of their lack of finances as a price cannot be placed on a life. Each patient is an opportunity to display our personal and professional values. We as nurses have a legacy to uphold and should at all times display humanitarianism towards those we come in contact with.

We should strive at all times to provide the best care possible to our patients without prejudice towards race, culture, financial status, sexual orientation and religion.  We aim to develop a relationship with our patients as we believe that their needs are better met when we involve them in their plan of care. We place special attention to the privacy of our patients and aim to protect their identity and information, except as needed by law.

I’m compassionate, caring, helpful and get a sense of fulfillment from helping others; these, I believe, are extremely important in the nursing field as it allows me to connect with my patients on a more personal level. It allows them to feel like they are being treated as an individual rather than an illness. Being my passion, I see where I’ll be in this field for a long time and hope to bring nothing less than the best to my patients.