Volunteer Experience

Beyond academics and clinical experiences, my commitment to serving my community has been an integral part of who I am. Volunteering at my local church’s Sunday school program has allowed me to connect with young minds, imparting lessons of empathy, kindness, and responsibility. During my senior year at NYCCT Dental Hygiene I was elected to sit as Vice President of the Student American Dental Hygiene Association. Simultaneously, I have engaged in activism for mental health through various organizations, advocating for initiatives that aim to destigmatize conversations and increased accessibility to mental health resources. Furthermore, my dedication to inclusivity is reflected in my involvement in efforts to promote the representation of minorities through diverse elections. During my undergraduate years at Penn State University, I participated in organizations that focused on student inclusivity on campus. I became the president of one the largest, minority student organizations at Penn State, the Dominican Student Association. I used my leadership skills, and my public speaking skills to advocate for mental health awareness, and inclusivity of minorities in STEM organizations. I created the annual mental health awareness program, “We Stand Against the Stigma”, that highlighted the obstacles, and the lack of resources minority groups face when dealing with mental health issues. I further advocated for inclusivity on campus STEM organizations by being elected to join Penn State’s President Barron’s student leader roundtable. These meetings offered me the opportunity to showcase the importance of inclusivity and to offer my solutions directly to the President. We started electing students of color as our leaders in the University’s Student Government Association, and we also created bruncheon’s with the President that provided a safe space for Latinx students to address their concerns. These experiences have reinforced my belief in the power of collective action to effect positive change.