
My path towards dental hygiene has been a deliberate and enthusiastic one. The fascination with oral health and its impact on overall well-being led me to embark on the path of dental hygiene. Throughout my academic journey, I have maintained an unyielding focus on academic excellence, driven by my aspiration to excel in my chosen field. 

As an individual of Latina heritage, I am deeply passionate about representing and empowering Latina women in the dental field. I am acutely aware of the underrepresentation of individuals who share my background in the dental field. This realization has ignited a fierce determination within me to break down barriers and pave the way for future generations. I am keenly interested in representing Latina women in the dental field, ensuring their voices are heard, their stories acknowledged, and their potential unleashed. The dental profession, like any other, thrives on diversity and a multitude of perspectives, and I am committed to ensuring that the Latinx narrative occupies a central place within it.

My journey has been shaped by a strong sense of purpose, a commitment to excellence, and a desire to represent and uplift the voices of underrepresented communities. My experiences in dental hygiene, volunteer work, and activism have prepared me to thrive academically, professionally, and socially. I’m eager to continue my journey, fostering personal growth and advancing diversity and inclusivity within the dental field. Through this e-portfolio you will get a glimpse into my clinical career at NYCCT, my dedication, and most importantly my clinical skills.

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