The size of Egypt’s population, along with its geographical position, provides imports of foods, materials, and services into the country. It also allows extensive political influence across Northern Africa, and the Middle East. Certain places in Egypt like Cairo for example, have been a link to Arabian culture and commerce, for as long as the 8th century. Some of  Cairo’s religious institutions are social, and cultural landmarks around the Middle East.

     Egypt’s economy relies on subjects such as foreign markets, tourism, agriculture, natural gas and imports. The country’s foreign policy is an essential component of its general state policy (Hussein, 2021). Egypt’s diplomacy also maintains strong relationships. Strengthening friendly relations, as well as building more relationships, enables Egypt to exercise influence and pursue its national interest all over the globe (Hussein, 2021). Egypt’s relations range from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia and the US.

 “Other factors that justified the importance of good relations with Egypt to the United States, namely keeping Egypt in the Western camp and maintaining peace between Egypt and Israel, are now part of a bygone era” (Ottaway, 2022). Egypt’s relationship with The United States for example, is good, but unbalanced. The pandemic, as well as different presidents and leaders, are some of the reasons. The unbalanced relationship also derives from Egypt’s inability to provide for the U.S, but relying heavily on the U.S’s financial support.

There are many reasons besides money, as to why Egypt developed so many inter-relationships. Egypt not only wants money, but expansion, and more exposure. According to Hussein, Egypt wants to establish joint businesses and investments, support future development projects, promote trade, and help solve the issue of African debt (Hussein, 2021). In Europe, Egypt wants European economic and social support for the country’s development, as well as economic and political stability (Hussein, 2021). Like Europe, Egypt wants a peaceful alliance with the US, for social and economic support.

In conclusion, Egypt is a country that promotes peaceful relations. It’s a country that works against terrorism, and promotes balanced relationships with all countries, to ensure the fulfillment of Egypt’s foreign-policy goals. Egypt promotes economic resources through foreign investment, tourism and trade. The government is in favor of democracy, and advocates human rights and transparency (Hussein, 2021).