Fiber, Fabric & Apparel Production

Where do we find gold?

Gold is found in many places in Egypt. It is often found in the desert, near the ancient ruins of mines and temples. It is also found in the Nile River. Gold is a very soft metal. It is often mixed with other metals to make it harder (Botros, 2015). Gold is also mixed with mercury to make it easier to work with. Gold is found in two main ways. The first is panning. This is where people look for gold in rivers and streams. They use a special pan to swirl the water and dirt around. The gold sinks to the bottom of the pan and the other materials float to the top. The second way to find gold is through mining (Botros, 2015). This is where people dig into the ground to find gold. Often, gold is found in quartz rocks. These rocks are crushed and the gold is taken out. Once the gold is found, it is often made into jewelry or coins.

Making our jewelry

When gold is converted into necklaces and jewelry, it goes through a process called gilding. This involves covering the gold with a thin layer of another metal, usually silver or copper. The gold is then polished to a high shine (Hassaan, 2016). Gilding was a popular technique in ancient Egypt and was used to create beautiful and lavish jewelry. Wealthy Egyptians would often wear gilded jewelry as a way to flaunt their wealth and show their power (Hassaan, 2016). Currently, gilding is still used to create beautiful and luxurious jewelry. It is a popular choice for those who want to add a bit of sparkle and shine to their outfit (Mohamed & Abd Elradi, 2014). Real gold jewelry is made of solid gold, while costume jewelry is usually made of plated gold or gold-filled. Solid gold is more valuable and durable than either of these other types of gold jewelry. Costume jewelry is often less expensive than real gold jewelry, but it is also more likely to tarnish and wear out over time (Mohamed & Abd Elradi, 2014). Real gold jewelry will last a lifetime if it is properly cared for. Gold jewelry is popular for a number of reasons. It is beautiful and luxurious, and it can be passed down from generation to generation.