Ethics Assignment – Entry 1

A) During my time at the company we were directed to the branding guideline pdf which everyone referred to whenever to came to designing something that represented the institution. This branding guide included assets on their logos, colors, the way emails are typed, and what their crest looked like. Under no circumstances were the assets to be manipulated beyond the guidelines for personal or financial gain as that could misrepresent the brand. This was reflected in my 3D animations of the brand logos as I had to adhere to the specific color schemes as much as possible.

B) While I did not have to sign an NDA, it was clear to me of what my responsibilities were for the duration of my internship. I was told by my supervisor that I am allowed to add my projects to my own portfolio, and that was not a decision I took lightly. For my journal posts, I’ve kept the company unmentioned, names unspoken, and addresses unknown as these posts have always been a reflection about my time at the place of establishment.

(image source):  freepik

(link to topic): AIGA_Ethics

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