Ethics Assignment – Entry 2

A) As a student who has worked on many transformative art pieces in the past, I’ve learned to realize the importance of crediting a person or company’s IP when they are used or showcased in your own work. I am a large supporter of modifying video games and the site I post my own creations, for free, credits the original persons and companies involved. This can range from a modified version of their IP character to a fellow creator who helped on said project.

B) The readings have continued to help me grow as a designer and a person to understand just how strict laws are with various forms of theft. Copyrights are not to be taken lightly with knowing how to protect yourself, your business, and to say out of trouble with other brands. I believe just credit should have been given to Mannie Garcia, the original photographer of the edited photo used in Obama’s “HOPE” poster. Regardless of how much one has edited an image to align with “Fair Use”, giving proper credit would enhance both parties for a few reasons such as:

1. You are now seen as being respectable and dependable on not stealing another artist’s work.

2. The credited artist is given proper recognition.

3. Viewers may potentially be intrigued at your editing skills if the original piece is almost unrecognizable without a comparison.

(image source): freepik

(link to topic): NY_Times_Fairey_Case

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