2. Landing the position/Role at the company

Through back and forth email conversations with my course professor, I was able to land an interview at an educational institution. My would be supervisor scheduled a meeting date at the worksite on a Friday afternoon. I was familiar with the area, so I was able to get there early without issue. As I am a Graphic Design major, I wanted to draw parallels with my personal focus within my major and this opportunity. I was asked about my strengths, more examples of my work, and what I sought to gain out of this internship. One of my own questions was about my attire. I was told that a casual clothing attire is acceptable as long is it was appropriate and not too flashy. There was an agreed upon schedule of Wednesdays and Thursdays, starting the very next week in late February, with a few added Mondays or Tuesdays when help was needed and my schedule aligned well for that week.

I worked from 10am – 4pm with a self scheduled lunch break around 1 or 2pm where I would eat something small while in the office for 15-20 mins, clean up, then start working once again. As I was an on-sight intern at the company, my duties largely involved me helping my supervisor film material for institution’s website and social media presence. My duties would range from helping carrying filming equipment to learning how to properly set them up. Being a designer, it was always important for me to both treat the equipment and my peers with respect. The tasks providing was not only relegated to a hands on approach as I have been involved with editing video recordings we have made earlier that day or earlier that specific week.

(image source): istockphoto.com

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